Friday, February 22, 2019


By Denise D’Anne


Those creepy, crawling creatures are in every crevice.  They especially like your
tiled kitchen sink.  Heavy rains that cause flooding encourages ants to find higher
ground.  Like all earth’s creatures they require food and water.  Follow the
crumbs and you will find ants and/or cockroaches.  See my upcoming article on
‘How I Acquired a Taste for Chicken and Calf Livers from roach infestation’. 
Roaches can produce a pungent, musty odor that gets worse the longer the
infestation.  The smell can come from large numbers of roaches.  Just one
German roach can produce this smell.  Roach odors linger in the air and can
even affect the taste of food.


It turns out that cockroaches have been on earth for billions of years.  And that in
China cockroaches are used for medicinal purposes.  Some roaches are ground-
up to make tea.  Some are literally milked (breast fed).  China has the distinction
of producing six billion roaches per year.   This is an investment windfall as it is
claimed that the dollar amount of China’s stored roaches exceeds all brokerage
stocks held worldwide.


An international team of scientist researchers sequenced a protein crystal
located in the midgut of cockroaches.  They claim roach milk is four times more
nutritious and could be the key to feeding our growing population in the future.

Smelling roaches. Finally, roaches can produce a pungent, musty odor that
gets worse the longer the infestation goes on. This oily smell can come from
large numbers of roaches, but just one German roach can produce this smell on
its own.

In China cockroaches are corralled by the millions and crushed to feed livestock.

The South China Morning Post publication turns a spotlight on the ‘disgusting’
insect with apparently remarkable medicinal qualities.  They are housed in the
world’s largest breeding facility where bugs outnumber the planet’s human
population.  “It is warm, humid and dark all year round, with freedom to roam to find
food and reproduce. Fully sealed like a prison, it has strict limitations on
access to visitors. From birth to death, inhabitants never see the sun.
They are my children says a woman who keeps 100,000 cockroaches
in her home.”

The world’s largest cockroach farm is breeding 6 billion adult
cockroaches a year and using artificial intelligence to manage a colony
larger than the world’s human population – all for medicinal use.
A healing potion: consumed by million patients in China.  This is
characterized as part of the roach production process published in
the South China Morning Post.

Smelling roaches. Finally, roaches can produce a pungent, musty odor that
gets worse the longer the infestation goes on. This oily smell can come from
large numbers of roaches, but just one German roach can produce this smell on
its own. ... Roach odors linger in the air and can even affect the taste of food.


The hated roaches are essential to our planet for converting nitrogen into