We have a president who is a great rhetorician. We have an electorate that refuses to acknowledge that Obama is not only a manipulator of words but of our emotions. Instead of holding him accountable we make excuses. There can be no excuse for a man who has the power to end wars (after all he is the Commander and Chief) yet blatantly continues a war that is killing hundreds if not thousands of innocents, including our troops. When is a war crime not a war crime?
"The hope that came with the election of Barack Obama has faded as his policies have indicated nothing more than a reconfiguration of the basis tenet of the Bush Doctrine – that the US’s national security interests supersede any consideration of due process or the rule of law. The only difference – witness the rising civilian body count from drone attacks – being that Obama’s doctrine is even more deadly”, guardian.co. uk, April 11, 2010. The article continues claiming a completely new trend has emerged that, in many ways is more dangerous than the trends under Bush. Extrajudicial killings and targeted assassination will soon become the main point of contention that Obama's administration will need to justify Although Bush was known for such polities, the extensive use of drones under Obama have taken the death count well beyond anything that has been seen before.
He is doing what many of us fought Bush over, privatizing Social Security. He set up a Commission to study how to reduce the federal deficit eschewing the study of our trillion dollar war funding. The Commission is charged with blaming Social Security and Medicare for our deficit problems despite the fact that Social Security is pay as you go and presently has $1.5 trillion surplus.
How this for Chutzpah! Obma just appointed a former top executive at Citigroup, Jacob “Jack” Lew, to lead the Office of Management and Budget, Lew participated in the deregulation of Wall Street during the Clinton administration. Lew told a Senate panel that deregulation did not lead to the recent financial crisis.
Now come the rhetorician skills of Obama: during an October 20, 2008, campaign event in Florida, candidate Obama, told a crowd of his then-opponent, Sen. John McCain, that: “Twenty-one times just this year John McCain has said we need to deregulate the financial industry, right at a time when we know that because of deregulation that Wall Street was able to engage in the kind of irresponsible actions that have caused this financial crisis."
In November 2009, Judge Stanwood Duval ordered the federal government to rebuild homes and compensate families of the dead in the Katrina disaster. This because he angrily discovered that the Army Corps of Engineers was ultimately responsible for disaster due to their catering to the oil companies for a passage way through the gulf for their product - oil. The passage way led to the destruction of a green wreath of cypress and mangrove, Nature's protection of the Crescent City. Our compassionate president, Obama, had Attorney General Eric Holder appeal the court's ruling.
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