Saturday, December 10, 2011


The latest betrayal, Obama pushes through three Job-Killing trade deals against his own party’s wishes. Two thirds of the Democratic House voted against trade pacts with Korea, Columbia and Panama. The deals went through mostly by the votes of the Republicans. It is estimated that these deals will cause the loss 159,000 jobs in the first seven years. The three pacts explicitly ban Buy America procurement policies. These pacts will also increase the trade deficit.


According to the Economic Policy Institute between 1993 and 2004, the US trade deficit with Mexico ballooned by $107 billion, which cost 1,015,290 US jobs, 123,000 in California. But although those jobs went south, Mexico lost far more jobs because of the treaty than those relocated from the US.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Slash and cap NO ON C&D

SF BAY VIEW National Black Newspaper

November 4, 2011

Dear Editor:

Vote No on both measures C and D, pension reform, and consider a more sustainable revenue source.

Look at the $1.4 billion city management salaries. Two stand out: One is the $516,000 a year salary for the deputy police chief. The other salary is $425,558, given to the second deputy police chief (‘09 figures).

There was a time when we had volunteer firefighters. There was a time when working for government was an unpaid or low paid privilege, thought of as a community service. There was a time when candidates for the Board of Supervisor competed for a salary of $28,000 a year. So how did we get to point of paying one deputy police chief more money than the president of the United States and even the mayor of San Francisco?

To save money, the city needs to cap salaries and pensions. One hundred thousand dollars is a nice round number for any city manager. Pensions should be a small percentage of the $100,000.

Let’s get back to working for the city as a civic duty, not a cash cow. And quit blaming the ordinary city worker for the financial woes they did not cause.

Denise D’Anne,

Photo: Robert B. Livingston

Monday, June 27, 2011


June 15, 2011


Being in the Democratic Party is like being in an abusive relationship — one that is hard to break off. While Obama falls in the right-wing spectrum, we keep on making excuses for him and rally for his 2012 presidential bid. Note his giving away trillions to the super rich, escalating the war on Afghanistan and its neighbor Pakistan, calling for more nuclear power plants, more oil drilling in sensitive areas, possible backing of gutting Medicare and Social Security, etc. Either we fight like hell to get him on the right track or we wise up and build a viable third party, something on the order of a Labor Party. Or we vote Republican to rally the left-wingers to fight against a recognizable enemy.
Denise D’Anne
San Francisco, Calif.

Monday, May 23, 2011



Rainbow Grocery Disappoints

When San Francisco Rainbow Grocery Store was first inaugurated, socially and environmentally conscience citizens were overjoyed. Here was a grocery store, employee owned, where one would be assured of getting organically grown produce and other groceries with less packaging than most supermarkets.

Rainbow started out by not providing paper or plastic bags at the checkout counter. It encouraged people to bring their own containers and bags for its array of bulk products, such as cereal, grains and ground coffee. It was not known for selling bottled water either. Now there are whole sections for bottled water in plastic containers. At the checkout stand one can now pick up paper bags to package groceries. The store is awash in plastic bags for bulk produce. There is not even one sign encouraging people to bring their own bags or containers.

One product that was astounding to see was a sort of flavored ice Popsicle in a hard plastic with silver lining that is squeezed in order to eat. Totally un-recyclable. How many other product such as this “Popsicle” is something someone should peruse. Letters highlighting this unconscionable contribution to the slow destruction of our environment go unanswered.

The high prices of food products sold at Rainbow are not affordable to most San Francisco shoppers. Perhaps eschewing some of the one-time use packaging and other environmentally unhealthy and destructive products, the price of all of its products may come down allowing more people to shop at Rainbow Grocery.

Friday, January 28, 2011


He failed to say that Social Security has a two-and-a-half trillion dollar surplus and that it is earned, not given away. What is called a "cut" would actually be theft from those who have paid into it over a lifetime. He needs to go on the offensive on Social Security, not be defensive. The same on Medicare. He failed to mention that it works and has the lowest operating cost of any form of health care by far. He failed to say that pensions are delayed earned payments for work already done, and that the conservative move to allow states and cities to declare bankruptcy is really a move to eliminate pensions for public employees and eliminate as much of public service as possible. He failed to say that "privatization" doesn't eliminate government, but institutes government by corporation for corporate profit not the benefit for citizens. He failed to say that we should have gratitude for immigrants -- with or without papers, educated or not -- who work hard at low pay to make possible the lifestyles of the middle and upper classes. He failed to defend the right to unionize as the foundation of fair working relationships. GEORGE LAKOFF 1/28/11

Thursday, January 27, 2011


A fan of Obama and a friend of mine sent me a series of pictures of Obama and family. She noted that Obama had a room-lighting smile. And that apparently covers all sins he committed especially the one where he, believe or not, had more people killed with drones than even President Bush. What makes Obama different from Bush is that we expected more of him. As Commander-in-Chief he could halt all wars, bring the troops home from the 800 or so bases around the globe that are not only oppressing people but also draining our treasury. How can Americans cheer on this president or any other president who think nothing of the horrendous damage done to people in other countries with killing and maiming? I have seen pictures of children without arms caused by our bombs. This to get one person, no less, the excuse to invade Afghanistan. Would we tolerate such goings on on our soil, or would we be called insurgents for fighting the invader.

As my friend responded when I said Obama’s dark side is his escalation of the Afghan war and the darkness brought to the innocent Afghans. We have read of the hordes of people who used to roam around the world killing and destroying, they were called barbarians. Well, what are we? My friend responded to me “All of us have to accept responsibility for what we do or don’t do – not just the president.” I don’t know how that statement relieves the president of his role in pure murder but there is a kernel of truth. We are passively standing by and pretending that wars are the sole responsibility of our presidents and they can do no wrong. Otherwise, why are we not in the streets on a continual basis as in some other countries demanding no more wars?

I have a recurring dream that I killed someone. I feel my heart is going to stop from the thought of my being a murderer. I just wonder do all those presidents from our dark past ever have such frightening dreams?