Tuesday, August 3, 2010


While racial and ethnic groups are trying to preserve their identity (avoid being assimilates), gay groups are trying to undermine their identity by going mainstream. One way is to declare marriage as a right. The institution of marriage is replete with such practices as bondage, exploitation, torture, a means to enhance family hierarchy and political cohesion. There is the matter of foot binding, child marriages for sexual gratification and female circumcision, both latter still extant, all in preparation for marriage.

Now marriage is used to exploit the unmarried taxpayers to support, in most cases two income married households who need the support the least. Instead of fighting to become a version of heterosexual couplings, gays should be fighting to eliminate the institute of marriage because it is discriminatory and gives special rights not afforded the unmarried population. Why should a single individual, gay or straight be denied visitation rights, medical benefits, immigration status only afforded married or domestic partners, inheritance rights and all the supposed 1000 rights now only afforded married partners with a limited smattering of these rights given to domestic partners?

In a recent speech at the 32nd Harvey Milk LGBT annual awards banquet. Angela had this to say: “The institution of marriage has historically symbolized the ”civil death” of one spouse. She went on to say that “Marriage may signal freedom to those who are affluent but I want us to think the extent to which we can respect gay marriage and at the same time be radically critical of the institution of gay marriage.”

Then there is the current argument to allow gays to be open in the military. Again the queer population should be demanding the dismantling of the military industrial complex not enhance it. Why in hell are gays so intent on being in the military when they have overall image of being gentle people (with a touch of femininity), arty and talented in all fields considered gentile and sophisticated. Not true, of course, across the board, but the military has one cause in mind – to kill. Forget the idea about protecting the homeland. When was the last time we went to war to protect the homeland (you don’t destroy a whole country to find one person supposedly responsible for twin towers bombing)? Now our mantra is to bring democracy (at the point of a gun) rather than admit our corporate dictated wars of exploitation for resources and cheap labor? How many wars have we fought by proxy or otherwise to deny democracy to countries around the world?

Howard Zinn, the late historian said it well. “My point is not to grieve for the victims and denounce the executioners. Those tears, that anger, cast into the past, deplete our moral energy for the present. And the lines are not always clear. In the long run, the oppressor is also a victim. In the short run (and so far, human history has consisted only of the short runs), the victims, themselves desperate and tainted with the culture that oppresses them, turn on other victims.”


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